Thursday, October 23, 2008

To taper or not to taper. That is the question.

Let's talk taper. What does it mean? According to my trusty dictionary widget it means a slender candle. Hmmm... OK, it also means a gradual narrowing. That's better. I'm on my tapering week here before The Big Day and I'm feeling weird. I have Mephistopheles on my shoulder screaming at me to go enjoy the beautiful weather on a nice brisk hour-long run. Then I also have this sweet, tender angel on the other side telling me to take it easy - you don't want to literally die on the D.C. asphalt on Sunday. 

So who do I side with? Good question, but because my head is right in the middle, I, too, make a compromise. I run a nice 3-mile run up the steepest slope and roughest terrain I know. Isn't that nice. 

Here's to tapering! 


The Muse said...

In Macbeth, Lady Macbeth carries a taper with her when she sleepwalks. She is slowly losing her mind. Then she dies (it is assumed by suicide). I feel like there are some symbolic connections here we can learn from...

renae said...

Good luck on Sunday!!!

Mark and Kim said...

I love tapering. Sometimes I feel like I train hard just to taper the few weeks before. It's nice to not have to feel guilty about not pushing it knowing it's actually GOOD for your body before a race!

Amelia Hohl said...

Hey Paige. I guess you did your marathon yesterday. I hope you survived. My parents are training for one in December and I hope they don't die with the crazy training! I hope you rocked!